

Head massage

Healing massage

This work is a unique blend of more than 15 techniques for the mind, body and spirit.

Healing massage uses advanced manual therapy techniques, stretching, breathing exercises, craniosacral therapy and reiki all in one session to help people connect with their essence and healing power. This is a full-body massage with a focus where you need it.

Soft soothing touch


It is the tool to read and unlock negative memories from emotional traumas and toxins. Brings awareness of the cause, often imprinted in our life as embryos and childhood.

Feels like a very light massage and it can be done over the clothes. This technique helps to activate the healing process for many symptoms and diseases and also can help in the treatment of depression, anxiety and insomnia.

Meet your practitioner

Riane Scremin grew up in Brazil and has lived in Kingston ON since 2017. For more than 22 years she studied and sought healing for herself and helped people to find their paths to healing themselves.

She has a background in Physiotherapy and a specialization in Manual Therapy. As a big yoga fan, she travelled to Thailand to learn Yoga Thai Massage. Since then, mind and body have made all sense, and she urges to help people to become conscious of this connection.

During this time she also learned many other techniques to embrace the concept that we are one Whole big system, interacting with the environment and others. Some of these techniques are Microkinesitherapy, Reiki, Thetahealing, Craniosacral Therapy, Neurolinguistic Programming, Floral Therapies, Aromatherapy and Homeopathy.

What we offer

Healing massage

60 minutes


90 minutes


120 minutes



75 minutes




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Fisio e Prana


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1217 Amanda Court, Kingston, ON K7P 0C3
